Earning Details
- 1 day per yield cycle,
- You can participate in the staking at any time, and the income will be calculated on T+1 day after the investment, and the income will be settled every day, and the income will be distributed according to the current network status. (Stake before 15:00 to earn on the same day; you need to wait an extra day if staked after 15:00)
- Settlement income = minimum deposit amount in this cycle * cycle rate of return
- Stake from 100 IOST
- It can be withdrawn at any time, T+7 to the account (officially requires the unlocking period), and the lost income on the day of withdrawal
- Redemption fee per transfer: 50 IOST
*The rate of return of each cycle will be dynamically adjusted according to the change of the main node network income, and Cobo charges 10% of the actual income as a management fee
*Time zone is based on Singapore time UTC +08:00
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How to participate in Cobo Custody Staking
- If you are still a Cobo Custody user, please apply to become a Custody user first. [What is Custody?]
- If you are already a Cobo Custody user, please refer to the following steps
- Open Cobo Custody Web, click on Staking, and select the wallet for staking
- Select the staking product to participate in, one-click Stake
Q: Is there a lock-up period and management fee?
- There is no lock-up period, and it can be redeemed at any time, and the current income will be lost if redeemed in advance.
- What is displayed on the web every day is the actual rate of return of the day, and Cobo will charge 10% of the income part as a management fee when settling the income.